
  • The firm or organization selects the topics to be covered, eliminating matters that aren't related to their specific practice;
  • The firm or organization determines the dates and locations of the presentations, working around its schedule to avoid critical production time;
  • Most importantly, the firm or organization saves substantial training dollars! (How much depends on the size of the group). Organizations are encouraged to partner with others to achieve greater savings.

Accounting and Auditing Training ALTEC provides on-site, custom designed continuing education training for groups of fifteen and up at substantial savings over traditional sources of CPE. Training is provided by Mike Inzina, a nationally recognized outstanding discussion leader, on topics such as audit efficiency, accounting and auditing standards, audit planning and risk assessment and single audits (see the complete list of course offerings). The firm or audit organization enjoys the following advantages over traditional training:

Engagement Efficiency Reviews  ALTEC provides reviews of engagement working papers with an eye toward suggesting ways to improve audit efficiency, both on and off-site. Our experience has shown that most firms perform excessive procedures in many areas, and historically, ALTEC has reduced engagement hours by as much as 30% from previous years' engagements. The result is increased realization rates, increased staff satisfaction, decreased overtime, and again, substantial savings to the firm.

Initial surveys are offered to determine the extent of the firm's needs. At the conclusion of the survey, ALTEC staff will meet with the firm's personnel to outline suggested changes and recommendations. The firm or audit organization selects the engagement(s) to be reviewed, and determines the potential benefit to the firm. The results of these engagement reviews can be applied toward the firm or organization's annual inspection requirement.

Follow up consultation is available throughout the completion of the engagements reviewed to assist in implementation of our recommendations and achieve maximum efficiency. (It is recommended that the efficiency reviews be coupled with the audit training so that staff have a firm grasp of the concepts and approach before subsequent engagements are planned.)

Litigation and other support services  It's an unfortunate fact of life in today's business environment, but many firms will have to deal with malpractice claims, that may allege failure to detect fraud or other substandard engagement performance. ALTEC provides a variety of litigation support services, including:

  • Assisting legal counsel in the assessment of the issues in the case
  • Providing counsel with a thorough understanding of the applicable standards
  • Preparation of the firm's personnel for deposition of opposing parties
  • Providing technical assistance to counsel in the deposition of opposing parties
  • Expert testimony at hearing panels, deposition and trial

Ethics consultations ALTEC also consults with firms and audit organizations on ethics matters (not available in Louisiana), backed by years of experience in investigation of ethics complaints at the national and state levels and presentations before the AICPA Joint Regional Trial Board. In addition to service as expert witness before ethics authorities, ALTEC can provide guidance to organizations in contemplated actions, to avoid ethics problems after the fact. ALTEC can offer advice on structuring transactions to avoid independence impairment, or whether the transaction should be avoided altogether.